My First Night as Mommy

My mom and Ed went home, and I was all by myself in my hospital room. They took Lorna to the hospital nursery so her pediatrician could examine her. I had few bites of dinner, and was very tired. My mind was elsewhere - with my daughter, couldn't wait to see and hold her again. A nurse finally brings her to me, and I felt like the whole wide world is mine. Just looking in her eyes gave me power to conquer the world, if my daughter wanted me to.
We try to put her on my breast, but she kept refusing to breastfeed. Either she didn't know what to do, or she didn't want to do what she knew she was supposed to do. Anyhow, after about an hour of trying, I gave her bottle. She was hungry, (DUH) and she ate. Then, right there, I knew she will be very strongwill, stubborn and will be difficult to make her do things if she doesn't want to do them. I smiled, yeah, she was her mother's daughter...
I spent a restless night, Lorna was in the nursery, I was told to get some sleep since this is the last night I have chance to relax... I was looking forward to being full time mom...
Just to say hi. Lorna is such beautiful name.
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