The day has Come (AKA The Star Is Born)

We've been waiting for this day - our baby is to be born today! Since my due date is long past, my doctor decided to induce today, Wednesday, November 17th 2004. Early in the morning, before 5.00AM, my loving husband Ed, my mom Mira, and myself are ready to go. The bags are packed, car fueled up, and since the night before was raining and stormy, we decided to leave even earlier. I am not scared, I am not panicking (yet!), I am sooo ready to meet one person in this world that we all will love unconditionally. We got to the hospital little before 5.30AM, signed in, they took us to the delivery room, gave me hospital gown, did all the preparations, and here we are - patiently waiting for my doctor. He showed up, broke my water at 7.00 AM, started me on the medicine that is going to cause contractions. This is a part I wasn't looking forward to. After couple of hours of, what I thought were unbearable pains, they gave me epidural. It worked for about 30 minutes, and than pain started again... And again... My nurse kept adding dosages of pain killer through my epidural tube, but I felt no relief. One of the hospital stuff decided to check my back, and found that the tube feel out of the channel, so I wasn't receiving any medications. Another round of epidural, another tube and channel in my back later, and I was in heaven!! oooo did that feel good!!!!! I even got some nap, that felt good, too. My mom is sleeping in a chair in the corner, my hubby went to eat something. He came back with his brother Randy, who came to be moral support, and to share this wonderful experience with us. Later on, he brought Sylvia to see our little angel. Randy and Sylvia, I am still grateful!
At 4:00 PM, I felt urge to push, and that's when it started. They brought in big mirror, but I refused to look in it. I still feel regrets for passing up this beautiful opportunity to see Lorna coming to this world. I pushed, and pushed, and pushed... And at 4:37 PM our daughter was born. She didn't cry at first, and that's when I started panicking, but when we finally heard her loud and piercing scream, we were relieved. We knew this world is better now that our daughter is a part of it...
I wish there were words big enough and important enough to describe what we felt when we looked in her eyes; You could almost feel love, and touch love...Now that we were finally holding this life we had created, my hubby and I realized that this is the most important task we have - to love, and to care for her, to give her everything she'll ever need...
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