Big Birthday Party

Saturday, November 12th, 2005.
Even though Lorna was born on November 17th, we planed to have big b-day party little earlier. The fact that my brother-in-law, Mike, and his wife, Martha, are going to be visiting with us the week before, made our decision even easier – we are going to have the party on November 12th.
We all were busy preparing for another Lorna’s milestone; her first b-day party!
Somehow, we managed to have everything done a whole day earlier; the food is cooked, the cookies and cakes baked, house decorated inside and outside, the invitations had been sent out days before… everything was ready to accommodate about 25 adults and 10 kids.
I do have to mention that mema and pop-pop had ordered big Teletabies birthday cake from a local bakery, and that was great help. Uncle Mike and Aunt Martha were running last minute errands, and all in all – we were happily ready!
The party started at 2:00 PM. It was fun, Lorna acted like she new the whole day is all about her; she was parading in her new denim skirt that her little cousin Borno sent from Bosnia, chasing birds, playing with other kids, opening gifts (which, by the way, we got sooo many…)
By 10:00 PM that day, everything was under control; dishes cleaned and put
away, toys neatly stacked up in the corner, everything was were it belong. All in all – Lorna’s first party was big success…
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